Big music, big venues, big sound.


The Cambridge University Symphony Chorus is a large symphonic auditioned choir, which performs a wide range of large and exciting music, with a strong focus on major 19th- and 20th-century orchestral choral works.

The Chorus is led by David Young. Previous directors have included Richard Wilberforce, Sir Stephen Cleobury, Sir Philip Ledger, Sir David Willcocks, and Sir Charles Villiers Stanford, with Sir Roger Norrington and Edward Higginbottom as recent guest conductors. While maintaining strong links with the University, the Chorus’ membership comprises undergraduates, graduates, staff, and alumni of the University, as well as non-university Cambridge residents.  

Recent highlights include an acclaimed performance of Haydn’s The Creation, Elgar's Dream of Gerontius, Verdi’s Messa da Requiem and an intimate rendering of Vaughan Williams’ Mass in G Minor. In 2024 the Chorus joined Nick Collon in Helsinki to perform and record Elgar's Dream of Gerontius. In 2023 the Chorus joined the Orchestre de Paris under Klaus Mäkelä for Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast with Sir Willard White. 

Want to know more? Read about the chorus, memberships or visit a rehearsal


2024/2025 Season Repertoire:

Michaelmas Term Finzi In Terra Pax and Vaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols  in West Road Concert Hall
Lent Term Poulenc Stabat Mater in King's College Chapel in January, and Vaughan Williams A Sea Symphony  in Ely Cathedral in March, with the Philharmonia Orchestra
Easter Term Brahms A German Requiem in Saffron Hall

2023/2024 Season Repertoire:

Michaelmas Term Mendelssohn Elijah in West Road Concert Hall
Lent Term Elgar The Dream of Gerontius in Ely Cathedral
Easter Term A programme of Finnish and British works in Great St Mary's Church

2022/2023 Season Repertoire:

Michaelmas Term Handel Messiah in West Road Concert Hall
Lent Term Verdi Requiem in Ely Cathedral
Easter Term Mozart Requiem in Kings College Chapel

"The singing was beautifully in tune, tight, balanced, and impressively on the beat" - Tim Brown

Copyright © 2024 Cambridge University Symphony Chorus